Is Islam a religion of peace?

Not all Muslims are terrorists, of course.  But, today, the majority of terrorists throughout the world seem to be Muslims.

Like most of you, I was unable to comprehend what had happened on September 11, 2001 – not just to the Twin Towers in New York but at the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and, as a result of a thwarted attack, a crash which ended in a field in Pennsylvania. Before that day, I knew nothing about Islam. What struck me as odd was that, instead of being mournful and ashamed of what their cohorts had done, the Muslim world generally cheered the event. Ever since that day, slowly but surely, I have been in search of figuring out how anyone could commit such evil acts and, most importantly, why.

There is another element that struck me as strange.  That is, 15 out of the 19 hijackers, not to mention the then leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, were from Saudi Arabia. Yet the U.S. did not retaliate against Saudi Arabia. Why not?

Originally, this section of the website – “War, Peace, and Gratitude” – was intended to be focused on spreading the words of gratitude to the United States of America from my parents’ generation of Japanese. The reason for this has everything to do with how the U.S.A. was 100% committed to helping rebuild Japan from the devastations of World War II. My bookmark summarizes the sense of gratitude: “For the victor to show mercy to the vanquished was a foreign concept to the Japanese military. Upon surrender, every Japanese feared the worst based on what they had been told by authorities. Many, therefore, chose to commit suicide. What America brought to Japan instead was an amazing grace of humanity.” Is it any wonder that America became a country of my childhood dreams?

During the last three decades or so, however, I have been noticing that America no longer resembled the country that I always believed it was. Something has been amiss. Yet I could not put a finger on exactly what it was – until recently.

David and I have been listening to many audio books together on Islam by authors from various Muslim countries.  Many are individual accounts of experiences as a Muslim; every single one of them describing life of violence and fear.  Thanks to several hard-hitting books that deal with macro issues and ramifications of Islam, I have learned all I needed to know to draw my own conclusion.  Unlike any other religion, Islam has never been a religion of peace since its inception in the seventh century.  Islam at its core and the West are irreparably incompatible with each other. Muslims have known this all along, from the start.

It is those of us in the West that typically have difficulty understanding it because most Westerners – who are brought up in a loving family environment – believe that we should simply be able to rely on human decency to get along with one another. The harsh reality is that this is not so if a religion and its culture teach its followers, starting with small children, to treat all non-believers as infidels. Imagine a religion that treats girls and women as nothing more than property to use, abuse, and sell as slaves; yes, even in the 21st century, even in the U.S.A. That is Islam. Imagine a religion that believes in the opposite of 10 commandments in pursuit of its own goal. As unbelievable as it may sound, behaviors such as lie, steal, harass, threaten, torment, and kill are what Islam encourages. The Qur’an, in its original Arabic (i.e., not the watered-down translations made available for Western audiences), is said to read like a religious manual written by a sex-crazed, murderous pedophile. If religions are expected to bring peace and comfort to human spirits and, therefore, are protected under the Constitution of the United States of America, Islam does not qualify as one.  When I finally began to understand these facts, everything – on-going terrorism and massive migrations around the world – started to make sense.

Muslims are taking advantage of the “freedoms” and “rights” bestowed upon individuals in the West to work toward meeting their own goal, which is to implement shari’a law everywhere and conquer the world.  They are continuing to brutalize and eliminate non-Muslims from their own Muslim-majority countries.  As author Brigitte Gabriel aptly entitled her book, “They Must Be Stopped.” Her book, along with “Wholly Different” by Nonie Darwish, are must-read books to better understand what Islam is all about. They will open your eyes to things that are unfathomable in the Western world.

My theory: The far left, worldwide, is being funded by Muslims

I hope I’m wrong in my theory that, in addition to George Soros, Muslims, too, are funding the far left.  Here is why.  After 17 years of observation, I cannot help but notice that the political far left must be responsible for helping the cause of Islam. For instance, they’re allowing innocent American youths to be taught Islam in public schools while banning all other religious activities.  They have been responsible for pushing aside public displays of Christianity, such as nativity scenes at Christmas; for removing statues everywhere in an attempt to deny the important history of this country that helps remind us of how we achieved civility as we know it.  When the far left began actively banning the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America, millions of Americans, including myself, took notice.  Enough is enough.

I learned that Saudi Arabia has been donating huge sums of money to liberal colleges in the United States.  This explains why college campuses have become intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. That is the way of Islam.

The Constitution of the United States of America – which is not shari’a based – is everything that Muslims despise about our country.  Muslims, therefore, will have no qualms about dismantling our Constitution and replacing it with shari’a law.  Under shari’a, there is no separation of church and state or, more accurately, no separation of mosque and state.  Shari’a is the state; shari’a is the law.

The far left has been extremely upset about the election of President Donald J. Trump.  It continues to do everything in its power to destroy his presidency.  Why?  At the core, I believe it is all about the appointment of justices – those who will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America – to the Supreme Court.  With a win by Hillary Clinton in 2016, the far left wanted to secure those who would help revise the Constitution of the United States of America to what its two prominent lobbying groups wanted; i.e., the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the home of the left-leaning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; and Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), whose ultimate goal is the implementation of shari’a in the U.S.A.

Intentionally or otherwise, the political far left – most Democrats, universities, main-stream media, social media, and Hollywood – is helping Muslims achieve exactly what they want.  The far left is teaching American children to disrespect their own country.  Why?  What country does that?  All in the name of political correctness, our First Amendment rights – which the majority of Americans hold dear – are in jeopardy.  Who would have thought that such threats against our own precious Constitution would become so real?

How convenient it is for the political far left to label people as Islamaphobes, thus shutting down any opposing arguments.  They are not at all interested in intellectual debates; only in crushing any and all oppositions.  They are practicing fascists.

There you have it.  Those are the bases for my theory that the political far left is being funded by Muslims.

By the way, as noted elsewhere within this website, I am not an Islamaphobe.  Let’s dissect the word into two to figure out what this word really means.  First, phobia means an irrational fear.  My concern about Islam is based on facts of violence around the world.

If you think the Muslim threat is exaggerated, here is an example that shows how people are fearful of being labeled as “racists,” thereby letting things slide; things such as verbal, psychological, and physical abuses, including rape, acid attack, and murder, including honor killing on Western soil. The next thing you know, the Muslim population mushrooms in that region – at existing taxpayer expense, no less. Log in to Facebook and watch “White Brits will soon be minority in Birmingham, U.K.

Such stories are repeated everywhere in Europe except in countries where the government is standing up and saying, “no” to Muslim immigration.  As of this writing, seeing the obvious, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia do not accept Muslim refugees. What I find quite fascinating is that most Muslim countries do not accept them, either. They include Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Turkey, and Egypt. Who would have thought? Consequently, the burden of refugee acceptance has been falling primarily on European countries. This may not be as ironic as it may seem on the surface, however. Based on what I learned about Islam during the last 17 years, this fits perfectly with the Islamic pattern of behavior toward its ultimate goal, which is to conquer the world under shari’a. The greater the number of Muslims migrating to the yet-to-be-conquered countries, the faster it is to get to its ultimate goal.

Closer to home, here is a documentary by Pamela Geller. Upon clicking on the link, scroll down to the video portion to view “The Ground Zero Mosque: Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks.”

It is time we all acknowledged the reality that Islam is NOT a religion of peace.  If the left continues to impose political correctness on anyone with threats, shouting down any discussion about Islam by calling us Islamaphobes, it will only strengthen the call for investigations into “Which individuals and organizations on the far left, exactly, are being paid by Muslims?”

I never imagined that, by coming to the United States of America, I would be in the middle of a war – one that few Americans seem to want to acknowledge at this point.  If we say nothing, and do nothing, I believe this country and what it stands for are headed toward destruction, not only for Americans but for all of humanity.

Contrary to what the far left wants us to believe, for millions around the world, the U.S.A. represents the last hope.  Is it any wonder that so many people continue to want to come to America, regardless of what you hear in the media?  If we allow modifications (destruction) of the Constitution of the United States of America, all those who fought, from this country’s founding to the current day to secure the freedom for all Americans, will have died in vain.  As a citizen, morally, it is unacceptable to allow this to happen.  I have been a beneficiary of what this country’s Founding Fathers intended for us all to enjoy; that is, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without tyranny from the government.  I believe it is time to be as vocal and vigilant as I can, no matter what the cost.  It is the least I can do to repay the greatest gift – a peaceful life in America – that has been bestowed upon me, a daughter of America’s former enemy, Japan, that had brought such anguish to the United States of America 77 years ago at Pearl Harbor.













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