What to do with my free time?

One would think that when retired from work, there should be far less stress than when working full time while juggling family and other responsibilities. Sure, this is true to a certain extent but not necessarily. Who would have thought?

Recently, I also resigned from a board position for our local homeowners’ association. With the newly acquired complete freedom from all obligations, I may get bored stiff but, for now, I am thoroughly enjoying it. We’ll see how long this sense of bliss will last.

Then I began thinking seriously about what it is that I would like to do. Travelling comes to mind, for one. While David and I are both physically able, we plan on going on as many road trips as possible. So, keeping my time open and free for this purpose is important.

I’m also thinking of reading up on raising leader-dog puppies. It just so happens that we have an organization for Leader Dogs for the Blind in the nearby city of Rochester Hills. I have always been somewhat interested in getting involved.

These are just a few of the random thoughts I’ve been having lately.

I am grateful to be in a position to truly enjoy “retirement” just the way I choose.






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