Supreme Court’s dereliction of duty

There is something I have been wanting to get off my chest for over a decade now. In 2005, Chief Justice John Roberts was sworn in to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Lately, I do not see him defending the Constitution against domestic enemies, who are increasingly and brazenly terrorizing American citizens in a manner that is somewhat akin to what had happened in China during the Cultural Revolution.

Once appointed, each justice has a life-time tenure unless he/she chooses to leave early. I believe it is time the Chief Justice removed himself from office.

In the beginning, the Chief Justice – who was nominated to his position by then-President George W. Bush – was considered a conservative, someone whose focus is to indeed support and defend the U.S. Constitution, just as he swore to do.

Recent decisions by the Supreme Court suggest, however, that the Chief Justice is no conservative at all. What happened?

I have a theory about the shift in his political leaning. The pivot point is the swearing-in ceremony of President Barack Hussein Obama on January 20, 2009. From that day forward, the Chief Justice became President Obama’s most useful and effective tool to push his Leftist agenda through the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Why do I say this? Before I explain, let me back up for a moment so as to put my argument in a proper context.

During President Obama’s swearing-in ceremony, as you can see in this video, Chief Justice Roberts made a rather sloppy mistake.  It is obvious that the about-to-be-sworn-in President Obama knew the exact words that the Chief Justice was supposed to have used. After the very public snafu by the Chief Justice, it is anyone’s guess as to what conversations may have taken place between the two gentlemen in private. Sharing the same alma mater, Harvard Law School, it is possible that they bonded well.

Based on what I see happening with the Supreme Court, however, my guess is that it helped establish a rather unhealthy, leader-follower relationship between them. In other words, from that day forward, the separation of powers between the executive and judicial branches – at least between these two men – went out the window. Bluntly put, Chief Justice Roberts became sympathetic to the President’s – and, therefore, the Democrat’s – radical agenda to “fundamentally transform America” which, by the way, does not mesh at all with the U.S. Constitution. It is no wonder, therefore, that the Chief Justice is not adhering to his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

  • How else can we explain the rapid erosion of our First Amendment rights since 2009?
  • How else can we explain the rapid erosion of our Second Amendment rights since 2009?

For eight years while in office, President Obama must have continued to influence the Chief Justice on the Leftist ideology. And this power relationship continues to this day, long after President Obama had left the office, to the detriment of the future of the United States of America which, by the way, is supposed to be a constitutional republic. Fast forward to today:

  • How else can we explain the fact that, despite an abundance of evidence of fraud to get Joe Biden elected President, the Supreme Court denied taking up all three of the 2020-election cases brought to the justices by supporters of former President Donald J. Trump?
  • Incredulously, those involved in the election fraud gloated and even explained how they did it in the February 15-22, 2021 issue of the Time magazine – all the while claiming that it was necessary to “save democracy.” Oh, please, give me a break! They did what they did because they were oh-so scared of a ground-swell of support for President Trump, and they knew it.
  • To truly save democracy, all we have to do is get back to the basics; that is, for everyone to stick to the rule of one vote per registered voter. Period.
  • And it is the Supreme Court’s job to help protect that basic principle of voting for future elections. Instead, under Chief Justice Roberts, they chose to kick the can of worms down the road for future generations of Americans to have to deal with it, AFTER the recipe of how to steal an election was established by the Left.

What good is the Supreme Court if it is not willing to do its job as a separate and independent power among the three branches of the government, addressing the one issue that concerns all of us who are legitimate voters of the U.S.A.? Why is the Supreme Court choosing to ignore it?

This is what I think is going on. Chief Justice Roberts’ thought process continues to be influenced by ex-President Obama. Additionally, after the most brutal and disrespectful confirmation hearing, Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been afraid of what the Leftists can and may do to him and his family. Sadly, this is an example of how America has become: secular, mean, vicious, and run by two sets of rules; one for the Left, and the other for the rest of us. It is very sad to see that it is no longer the kind of country that I used to believe it was.

Today, there are no independent and separate powers among the three branches. Instead, there is one dominant power – supported by the deep state – among all three branches of the government. And that dominant power is the Left, which is committed to the goal of “fundamentally transforming America” into a Marxist country. While the rest of the country was naive enough to believe that everyone was pursuing the American Dream, the Left has been methodical in its approach to implementing its goals – infiltrating the school systems, the media, and government bodies. The Left has also been successful in changing laws ever-so gradually such that most of us were caught unaware of their true intentions. Enough is enough.

As an individual, I am feeling powerless to do anything about the direction in which the country is headed – except to write and forewarn young Americans to stay alert to anything that the government does to increase its power over people.

  • The Covid-19 lockdown on a national scale – which has lasted for over a year now – is an example of the government’s experiment to exercise power over people in the name of “our safety.”
  • Another example is the increasing social pressure to “get vaccinated” with a substance that has not been proven to be safe; again, in the name of “our safety.”
  • The “free stimulus money” to “help cope” with the lockdown is yet another example. The intent, I suspect, is to get people used to becoming dependent on government handouts. There is no such thing as free money, and we will eventually be taxed to pay for it in one form or another.

Remember, our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. You must NEVER allow the government – or anybody else, for that matter – to have power over you.





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