Where the balance of power is headed – An Asian immigrant’s view

Have you ever wondered why people from all over the world have always wanted to come to the U.S.A., including me as an adult immigrant from Asia, and pursue the American dream? It is amazingly simple. It is because the country’s founding philosophy applies to all human beings, not just to certain groups of people.

As compared to the Judeo-Christian environment in the U.S.A., I grew up without the concept of “love” in my daily life. When I was around age 10, I asked my mother what “love” was. She answered, “You’ll know when you grow up.” No further explanation. Just because it is not taught does not necessarily mean that a sense of “love” does not exist, however.  Most of us experience a natural, unconditional feeling of “love,” for instance, whenever exposed to babies, puppies, kittens, etc.; or when falling in “love,” to which, I believe, my mother was referring.

For the most part, the Japanese are not exactly religious. The country’s well-established religions come into sharp focus when major life events happen, such as births or deaths. That’s how the tradition has been kept intact for centuries. Because spiritual needs are always being met during those life-changing events, most Japanese do not espouse Christianity, which is considered Western and, therefore, foreign. How they view life is considerably different from those in Western countries. One could say that “love” that applies to all ages of human beings – as taught through the Bible – is not the main theme of life.

As students, we were all taught that, due to its mountainous terrain, most of which is not arable, Japan’s only natural resource was our brains. This had a huge impact on how we – young students – viewed our place in the environment into which we were born. Each student was important to the teachers. Both at home and at school, we were taught to respect our elders including, of course, teachers. We learned the importance of mutual respect, respect for the society at large, respect for the country, and respect for the rest of the world. It is easy for the Japanese to understand respect; when it comes to “love,” not so much. Consistent school curriculum throughout the country – with a population one-half the size of the U.S.A. – ensured that all its citizens had a basic understanding of right and wrong, and how to get along with one another. It was not out of love but of respect.

Obviously, Japan and China are two separate countries with different sets of values. Since both countries share a similar cultural background due to their geographical proximity, however, I surmise that China is treating its youths in a somewhat similar fashion – to get the most out of each student’s brainpower.

With a population of over 1.4 billion, which is roughly four times the size of the U.S.A., China will be a formidable force in the world in years to come, if not already. It does not take a math genius to figure out that its highly educated population could easily enable China to conquer the U.S.A. through military means when it so chooses. While our liberal-arts universities are producing students that know little practical knowledge in the real world, the Chinese government has been intent on producing students that understand math and science.  Producing highly educated youths fits perfectly into China’s ambition of military expansion into the South China Sea.

If Communist China were to “conquer” the U.S.A., our country will cease to be the land of an American dream but, instead, become a Chinese nightmare. Just ask Hong Kong citizens or anyone who has escaped from Communist China, or the Uyghur Muslims being detained in western China.  If we are not vigilant, their reality today could easily become ours tomorrow.

Throughout history, the strong have conquered the weak. It is a rare phenomenon that the militarily strong, such as the U.S.A., has chosen to be good to the vanquished. It happened after World War II only because of the country’s strong Judeo-Christian values.  If we think that any other conquering nation, whose founding philosophy is not based on Judeo-Christian philosophy, would be as “nice” to the vanquished, we are sorely mistaken.

Humans whose main theme in life is something other than “love” can easily become ruthless. China has been spreading its influence not only in the U.S.A. but also in the rest of North and South American Continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe.  In my humble opinion, China is already well on its way to conquering the world. I hope that we never have to wake up one day and find the founding philosophy of the U.S.A. has become a thing of the past. That would be a complete waste of the progress having been made that afforded freedom and independence for ordinary human beings in the Western hemisphere. One half of today’s American society is taking for granted this rare and precious phenomenon, which took the Judeo-Christian civilization centuries to achieve.

It is time we teach our students subject matters that count in the real world and stop brainwashing them with things that attempt to reverse the historical achievements of Western philosophy. Through centuries of human history, it is the only philosophy that evolved to enable the masses – made up of each unique individual – to enjoy life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.






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