Author Archives: Reiko
Investing Outside of Wall Street – Never a dull moment!
I have been intent on writing my book #2 for nearly a year now. Along the way, I was advised that very few people make money by simply selling books. Based on my book #1, I have known this to … Continue reading
Investing Outside of Wall Street – Coronavirus disease 2019 (a.k.a. Covid-19)
In the U.S.A., the lockdown due to Covid-19 began about a month ago. The news has been saturated with it. As of this posting in April 2020, we’re not sure when the lockdown order will be lifted. Most of us … Continue reading
Covid-19 lockdown
As of this posting, the Covid-19 lockdown has continued for slightly over a month in many parts of the world, with no clear end in sight. Like everyone else, I have never experienced anything like this in my entire life. … Continue reading
Van Cliburn, Nobuyuki Tsujii, and me
Oh, what an audacious title! Allow me to indulge. In my first book, I wrote about what motivated me in my early years. To briefly recap, it was to eventually meet Van Cliburn and to personally explain to him how … Continue reading
Investing Outside of Wall Street – Making investment decisions
Recently, many people are voicing their worries about where the economy may be headed. Some of the main reasons include the following: The unknowns and fear about Coronavirus, a worldwide concern. The plunging Dow Jones Industrial Average on Wall Street. … Continue reading
A police officer who understands right from wrong
Saturday, 10:30 p.m., February 1, 2020, there was a series of loud knocks on our front door. We were not expecting anyone and felt rather uncomfortable. We wondered whether to ignore it or call the police. Within a few seconds, … Continue reading
Investing Outside of Wall Street – Let there be light in our fridge!
In 2017, I wrote about “Investing Outside of Wall Street – ‘Landlords’ then, and now?” This is a sequel of sorts. I don’t remember exactly when our refrigerator light went out, but it has been at least a few years. … Continue reading
Investing Outside of Wall Street – Federal government’s “solution” for retirement income
On December 17, 2019, I blogged about 401(k). Coincidentally, on December 19, 2019, the following articles were published by the respective sources: “Congress passes sweeping overhaul of retirement system” (Source: Wall Street Journal) “Congress just passed the biggest retirement bill … Continue reading
Where the balance of power is headed – An Asian immigrant’s view
Have you ever wondered why people from all over the world have always wanted to come to the U.S.A., including me as an adult immigrant from Asia, and pursue the American dream? It is amazingly simple. It is because the … Continue reading
What on earth has been happening to the USA?
For millions of people from around the world, the U.S.A. has been a beacon of hope, and especially since the end of World War II. Why? It is because of her founding philosophy as manifested in the Declaration of Independence. … Continue reading