No mail-in voting. One vote per person. Period.

Like many others, I had strong suspicions about the Presidential-election results in 2020. Now, according to the documentary, “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza, “four million minutes of surveillance video around the country” prove that an organized crime of fraud was committed. There you have it.

I highly recommend the documentary to anyone who cares about the importance of your one vote.

In this writer’s view, Joe Biden, on his own merits alone, had little chance of winning against the blunt, oh-so-imperfect, yet charismatic, Donald J. Trump. So, the next day when it was announced that Biden had won the election, I was stunned.

Shortly thereafter, however, I resigned to the fact that I needed to move on – and wait another four years for another chance to cast my one vote for the next President of the United States of America.

In retrospect, the sad fact about Biden is that even those that surrounded him – and especially those who had the money to “buy” votes for him for their own ulterior motives – knew that the only way for him to secure a “win” was to cheat – at whatever cost. Forget morals. Forget ethics. Forget fair play. Nothing of value to ordinary citizens matters to corrupt politicians who have the backing of those with deep pockets.

I am outraged, disturbed, disappointed, and deeply saddened by the realization that this could have happened in America. Perhaps I have been hopelessly naïve. The worst part? The individual who should be in jail – to take full responsibility for the massive voter fraud – is instead sitting in the White House.

The fraudsters have brazenly desecrated President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, “…that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Are we going to let the fraudsters get away with the massive crime they committed? I hope not.

In the meantime, I propose no more mail-in ballots. From now on, in-person voting only.







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